Influenster Rose VoxBox – Rimmel London Scandaleyes Retro Glam Mascara

Scandaleyes Retro Glam Mascara is a brand new (November 2013) mascara from Rimmel London and I consider myself a very lucky girl indeed to have gotten to try it out for free to test courtesy of Influenster!!

The Rimmel London site ( ) has this to say about this product:

*Bold, wide-eyed false lash look

* Hour-glass shaped to the lash line to plump lashes, fanning them up and out for bold, wide-eyed volume

*Coats lashes individually for a big, false lash look in one simple stroke.  No clumps!

Now…I’ve always LOVED makeup but I’ve never been very good at it.  As I’ve gotten older I’ve started to care a little more and have begun to experiment.  One product that I have Never had any luck with is mascara.  It always seems to clump and just look awful to me and I’d pretty much given up buying it any more.  So, when the Rose VoxBox arrived on my door with this in it I didn’t exactly have high hopes…but…as I said, I really do love makeup, so I was happy to give One More mascara a try.

It took me a while to find a good time to use it.  I supposed I could have put it on anytime but it’s usually just my son and I here during the day and we’re busy busy busy and I wanted a *reason* to wear it.  Finally today, with hubby home, we had a few places we needed to go and I thought – Perfect!!  I’ll just put this on real fast, take a few pictures, and see how it goes!!  Well, I’d forgotten that I have quite the…”Helper”…in my 21 month old son.  As I leaned towards the mirror in the bathroom, he climbed upon the toilet to “brush his teeth”, etc etc etc.  Basically my quick application turned into at least a 20 minute journey with him hanging off my arm, grabbing the mascara, spraying me with water, trying to dump his toys in the toilet…pretty much life with a little boy.

I say all this because when all was said and done…it worked.  There were NO CLUMPS!!!  I couldn’t believe it!  I absolutely still need to practice with it (or do it Without Sebastian’s awesome help) but I think I’ve finally found a mascara that I could grow to love.  And…there’s just something about the fat bottle it comes in that makes me smile!

Please forgive my amazing photography.  Taking pictures of your eyes with your phone in the bathroom while you have a child/monkey attacking you isn’t what I would call easy…but they do the job!!  I also only managed to get the “after” photo after one eye…but the other looked much the same.


Here we have my “before”.  I like to think that I have long, dark, pretty lashes, but you certainly can’t tell here!


But wait!!!  What do we have here!!??  LASHES!!  That you can SEE!!  That aren’t all clumpy!!  Bliss.


Out of order…of course, here is the miracle product!  Go out and buy this RIGHT NOW!!!



The little helper doing his level best to steal my goodies!!!


One more “after”.  The left eye has no mascara…the right eye does.  I can tell even with my award winning camera photography!!!


And lest you think I was joking about my helper, here he is in all his glory, ready to rule the world!!!  Or at least make his poor mother even crazier that she started!  😉